One Day at a Time

Things are crazy right now during COVID-19.  I recently had a friend ask me if I’m worried about school opening in the Fall.  I told her that I haven’t really allowed myself to go there.  I’m just taking things one day at a time.  Things are changing so quickly right now.  Staying focused on the present allows me to stay calm.  “I need more of your thinking over here”, she said.  How did I get here I thought? It certainly didn’t come overnight.  This approach to my life has been as a result of much time and effort.  I believe that I can thank the world of food allergies and asthma for helping me to handle the current COVID-19 pandemic.  With my daughter’s food allergies and the recent asthma diagnosis, I have definitely been terrified and overwhelmed.  The day she was diagnosed with food allergies at a year old, I immediately fast forwarded my worry to her being at college and forgetting her epinephrine at a party.  Crazy but that’s exactly how my mind worked that terrifying day.  Now, fast forward, through much practice and training my brain focuses more on the current.  I thank my Barre3 practice a lot for this mentality.  We are always being told to breathe and focus inward.  Meditation is a crucial part of the end of the workout that I am a big believer in.  I also hear my husband reminding me that medicine is constantly advancing and changing—thank goodness! I also remind myself that she can outgrow both her allergies and asthma.  We have to believe! We have to hope! And I really think that I am able to take what has worked for me in our everyday lives and adapt it to the current conditions.  I love opportunities to find positives with food allergies and asthma life.  

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